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DDL is the basement of structured data

As any other Database, ClapDB is made for storing structured Data, ClapDB even supports semi-structure and flexible schema Data, but the basement of ClapDB is still the DDL (Data Definition Language).

create table

Just use PostgreSQL DDL statements, such as

create table demo(enter_time time, body text, tenant_id int);

alter table

ClapDB don’t support alter table for now, if you want to alter table, you could drop the table then recreate it. ClapDB will support alter table in next main version release.

delete table

just use PostgreSQL DDL statement, such as

drop table demo;


ClapDB support jsonb format data type, which means you could store any JSON in a field.


The philosophy of ClapDB is that historical data is immutable. Therefore, when altering tables, old data might be deleted. To address this, ClapDB supports a schema-less approach, allowing a single table to accommodate data corresponding to different versions of the schema simultaneously.

please checkout the SchemaLess for more details.