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ClapDB supported DataType

ClapDB supports a wide range of data types. The following table lists the data types supported by ClapDB.

Numeric Types

Integer Types

NameLow ValueHigh ValueAliasDescriptionEquivelent in PostgreSQL
Boolfalsetruestate of true or falseboolean
int16-3276832767smallint or int2small-range integersmallint
int32-21474836482147483647int or int4standard integerinteger
int64-92233720368547758089223372036854775807bigint or int8large-range integerbigint
uint16065535-16-bit unsigned integernot exist
uint3204294967295-32-bit unsigned integernot exist
uint64018446744073709551615-64-bit unsigned integernot exist

Arbitrary Precision Numbers


Floating-Point Types

NameRangeDescriptionEquivelent in PostgreSQL
float6 decimal digits precisionsingle-precision floating point numberreal
double15 decimal digits precisiondouble-precision floating point numberdouble precision

Text Types

NameDescriptionaliasLength LimitEquivelent in PostgreSQL
enumshort and low cardinality stringless than 4MBnot exist
textany stringless than 4MBtext

Date/Time Types

NameDescriptionLow ValueHigh ValueResolutionEquivelent in PostgreSQL
datedate (no time of day)9999-01-01 BC9999-12-31 AD1 daydate
timestampboth date and time (no time zone)9999-01-01 00:00:00 BC9999-12-31 23:59:59 AD1 microsecondtimestamp
timestamptzboth date and time, with time zone9999-01-01 00:00:00 BC9999-12-31 23:59:59 AD1 microsecondtimestamptz
timetime of day (no date), without time zone00:00:0023:59:591 microsecondtime
intervaltime interval-178000000 years178000000 years1 microsecondinterval

Semi-Structure Types

NameLength LimitDescriptionEquivelent in PostgreSQL
jsonbless than 4MBRFC 8259jsonb

Network Types
